Microsoft Cortana Cube

Friendship Cube
2 min readDec 21, 2021
Microsoft Edge & The Cortana Cube

After ten years, and more than a thousand emails, we finally have the AI cube product in our hands, and it works! We programmed edge, core, and cloud computing into this cube. The data that goes into it can never be destroyed. Our Microsoft Cortana Cube puts infinite knowledge into the palm of our hands. It is very easy to use. I couldn’t have made this without becoming a Microsoft Partner. I believe that the new Microsoft Edge Services Agreement makes the world a kinder and better place. So… my “ideology” is to invest my time and effort into this cube, for a number of reasons. Firstly, our Cortana Cube will call people to a higher standard. There will be interface standards and technology that emerge, from our cube. Secondly, I can sit here at my desk programming Cortana to up the literacy standard across the world. It is incredible to imagine how many answers will come through our blue visual binary cube code. Thirdly, our cube is creating value and jobs from my coding. People get tangible benefits from the 22core visual binary code installation. And the cube makes it highly visible. It captures interest, involves, and inspires. (… tear of gladness ) Microsoft has given me a pathway of innovation and improvement. That internship has been more exciting and rewarding than any degree could be for me. Now I plan to offer innovation pathways and improvement pathways to others. …So, here it goes. || The Microsoft Cortana Cube Creates a Kind Ripple Effect Influencing The Global Standard for Literacy ||



Friendship Cube

The friendship cube is a world-renowned communications and teaching tool.